flyer01 : http://www.designbyslice.com/ |
flyer02 |
蘇格蘭國會是一座充滿現代感的建築物,座落於Holyrood Palace對面,旁邊還有亞瑟王座,是一個愛丁堡著名的景點。
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/61/ScottishParliamentFront.JPG |
內部特色 |
我選擇的主題是No man's land,在一戰時這是一個屬於「真空」的狀態,是兩方交戰時,
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/69/Aerial_view_Loos-Hulluch_trench_system_July_1917.jpg |
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/No-man%27s-land-flanders-field.jpg |
final work |
對當時來說, 是人類恐懼與彼此傷害的匯聚地。對我們生存的土地而言, 是人類被迫彼此殘殺的傷痕。但用心理學與佛教對生命的觀點, 這些悲慘記憶都將一直保存在每個人的生命底層記憶中, 又有誰能說與這件事情無關呢?著眼現在,這些歷史傷痕能不能有另外一層意涵?
我在今年初看了一個很棒的影片,內容來自桂冠詩人池田大作撰寫的文章:Another way of seeing things
這是其中一段文字:"If we think about it, people are not born Turks or Americans. They are not born Palestinians or Jews. These are merely labels.
Each of us is born as a precious entity of life, as a human being. Our mothers didn’t give birth to us thinking, “I’m giving birth to a Japanese” or “I’m giving birth to an Arab.” Their only thought was “May this new life be healthy and grow!”
In any country, a rose is a rose, a violet is a violet, people are people—though they may be called by different names."
Another Way of Seeing Things
以下是局部圖,我的媒材有棉線 鉛筆 水彩 描圖紙 ,再用電腦後製: